
Gets the RenderMaterial that this object uses based on it's attributes and the document that the object is associated with. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then None is returned. If None is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.

public RenderMaterial GetRenderMaterial(
bool frontMaterial
  • frontMaterial
  • Type: bool
  • If true, gets the material used to render the object's front side otherwise; gets the material used to render the back side of the object.
If there is a RenderMaterial associated with this objects' associated Material then it is returned otherwise; None is returned.
Available since:


Gets the RenderMaterial associated with this object if there is one. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then None is returned. If None is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.

public RenderMaterial GetRenderMaterial(
ComponentIndex componentIndex,
Guid plugInId,
ObjectAttributes attributes
  • componentIndex
  • Type: ComponentIndex
  • Returns the RenderMaterial associated with the specified sub object or the objects top level material if it is set to Rhino.Geometry.ComponentIndex.Unset
  • plugInId
  • Type: System.Guid
  • The plug-in specific material to look for.
  • attributes
  • Type: ObjectAttributes
  • Optional object attributes used to determine the material source, if None the objects attributes are used.
Returns the <b>RenderMaterial</b> associated with the sub object identified by componentIndex if the component index is set to <b>ComponentIndex.Unset</b> then the top level RenderMaterail is returned. If this method returns None it means there is no RenderMaterial associated with the object or sub object so you should may GetMaterial get the objects generic material.
Available since:


Gets the RenderMaterial associated with this object if there is one. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then None is returned. If None is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.

public RenderMaterial GetRenderMaterial(
ComponentIndex componentIndex,
Guid plugInId
  • componentIndex
  • Type: ComponentIndex
  • Returns the RenderMaterial associated with the specified sub object or the objects top level material if it is set to Rhino.Geometry.ComponentIndex.Unset
  • plugInId
  • Type: System.Guid
  • The plug-in specific material to look for.
Returns the <b>RenderMaterial</b> associated with the sub object identified by componentIndex if the component index is set to <b>ComponentIndex.Unset</b> then the top level RenderMaterail is returned. If this method returns None it means there is no RenderMaterial associated with the object or sub object so you should may GetMaterial get the objects generic material.
Available since:


Gets the RenderMaterial associated with this object if there is one. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then None is returned. If None is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.

public RenderMaterial GetRenderMaterial(
ComponentIndex componentIndex
  • componentIndex
  • Type: ComponentIndex
  • Returns the RenderMaterial associated with the specified sub object or the objects top level material if it is set to ComponentIndex.Unset
Returns the <b>RenderMaterial</b> associated with the sub object identified by componentIndex if the component index is set to <b>ComponentIndex.Unset</b> then the top level RenderMaterail is returned. If this method returns None it means there is no RenderMaterial associated with the object or sub object so you should may GetMaterial get the objects generic material.
Available since:

GetRenderMaterial method

Class:  Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject

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