Gets a polyline approximation of a curve.
public PolylineCurve ToPolyline(
double tolerance,
double angleTolerance,
double minimumLength,
double maximumLength
double tolerance,
double angleTolerance,
double minimumLength,
double maximumLength
- tolerance
- Type: double
- The tolerance. This is the maximum deviation from line midpoints to the curve. When in doubt, use the document's model space absolute tolerance.
- angleTolerance
- Type: double
- The angle tolerance in radians. This is the maximum deviation of the line directions. When in doubt, use the document's model space angle tolerance.
- minimumLength
- Type: double
- The minimum segment length.
- maximumLength
- Type: double
- The maximum segment length.
Type: PolylineCurve
PolyCurve on success, None on error.
Available since:
Gets a polyline approximation of a curve.
- mainSegmentCount
- Type: int
- If mainSegmentCount <= 0, then both subSegmentCount and mainSegmentCount are ignored. If mainSegmentCount > 0, then subSegmentCount must be >= 1. In this case the NURBS will be broken into mainSegmentCount equally spaced chords. If needed, each of these chords can be split into as many subSegmentCount sub-parts if the subdivision is necessary for the mesh to meet the other meshing constraints. In particular, if subSegmentCount = 0, then the curve is broken into mainSegmentCount pieces and no further testing is performed.
- subSegmentCount
- Type: int
- An amount of subsegments.
- maxAngleRadians
- Type: double
- ( 0 to pi ) Maximum angle (in radians) between unit tangents at adjacent vertices.
- maxChordLengthRatio
- Type: double
- Maximum permitted value of (distance chord midpoint to curve) / (length of chord).
- maxAspectRatio
- Type: double
- If maxAspectRatio < 1.0, the parameter is ignored. If 1 <= maxAspectRatio < sqrt(2), it is treated as if maxAspectRatio = sqrt(2). This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of (length of longest chord) / (length of shortest chord).
- tolerance
- Type: double
- If tolerance = 0, the parameter is ignored. This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of the distance from the curve to the polyline.
- minEdgeLength
- Type: double
- The minimum permitted edge length.
- maxEdgeLength
- Type: double
- If maxEdgeLength = 0, the parameter is ignored. This parameter controls the maximum permitted edge length.
- keepStartPoint
- Type: bool
- If True the starting point of the curve is added to the polyline. If False the starting point of the curve is not added to the polyline.
- curveDomain
- Type: Interval
- This sub-domain of the NURBS curve is approximated.
Type: PolylineCurve
PolylineCurve on success, None on error.
Available since:
Gets a polyline approximation of a curve.
- mainSegmentCount
- Type: int
- If mainSegmentCount <= 0, then both subSegmentCount and mainSegmentCount are ignored. If mainSegmentCount > 0, then subSegmentCount must be >= 1. In this case the NURBS will be broken into mainSegmentCount equally spaced chords. If needed, each of these chords can be split into as many subSegmentCount sub-parts if the subdivision is necessary for the mesh to meet the other meshing constraints. In particular, if subSegmentCount = 0, then the curve is broken into mainSegmentCount pieces and no further testing is performed.
- subSegmentCount
- Type: int
- An amount of subsegments.
- maxAngleRadians
- Type: double
- ( 0 to pi ) Maximum angle (in radians) between unit tangents at adjacent vertices.
- maxChordLengthRatio
- Type: double
- Maximum permitted value of (distance chord midpoint to curve) / (length of chord).
- maxAspectRatio
- Type: double
- If maxAspectRatio < 1.0, the parameter is ignored. If 1 <= maxAspectRatio < sqrt(2), it is treated as if maxAspectRatio = sqrt(2). This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of (length of longest chord) / (length of shortest chord).
- tolerance
- Type: double
- If tolerance = 0, the parameter is ignored. This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of the distance from the curve to the polyline.
- minEdgeLength
- Type: double
- The minimum permitted edge length.
- maxEdgeLength
- Type: double
- If maxEdgeLength = 0, the parameter is ignored. This parameter controls the maximum permitted edge length.
- keepStartPoint
- Type: bool
- If True the starting point of the curve is added to the polyline. If False the starting point of the curve is not added to the polyline.
Type: PolylineCurve
PolylineCurve on success, None on error.
Available since: