Find sthe Tait-Byran angles, also loosely called Euler angles, for this quaternion.
- yaw
- Type: double
- Angle, in radians, to rotate about the ZAxis.
- pitch
- Type: double
- Angle, in radians, to rotate about the YAxis.
- roll
- Type: double
- Angle, in radians, to rotate about the XAxis.
Type: bool
True if successful, or False if this is not a rotation.
When true, this = RotationZYX(yaw, pitch, roll) = R_z(yaw) * R_y(pitch) * R_x(roll), where R_*(angle) is rotation of angle radians about the corresponding world coordinate axis. roll and yaw are in the range (-pi, pi], and pitch is in [-pi/2, pi/2].
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