
Construct a new ChangeQueue using the given CreatePreviewEventArgs. The preview scene for these args will be used to populate the world.

protected ChangeQueue(
Guid pluginId,
CreatePreviewEventArgs createPreviewEventArgs
  • pluginId
  • Type: System.Guid
  • Id of plugin instantiating ChangeQueue


Construct a new ChangeQueue from the given document

protected ChangeQueue(
Guid pluginId,
uint docRuntimeSerialNumber,
ViewInfo viewinfo,
bool bRespectDisplayPipelineAttributes
  • pluginId
  • Type: System.Guid
  • Id of plugin instantiating ChangeQueue
  • docRuntimeSerialNumber
  • Type: uint
  • bRespectDisplayPipelineAttributes
  • Type: bool
  • Determines whether the display pipeline attributes for this viewport should be taken into account when supplying data. If you are using this queue to populate a scene for the "Render" command, set this to false. If you are using it to draw a realtime preview, you will probably want to set it to true.


Construct a new ChangeQueue from the given document, using given display pipeline attributes.

protected ChangeQueue(
Guid pluginId,
uint docRuntimeSerialNumber,
ViewInfo viewinfo,
DisplayPipelineAttributes attributes,
bool bRespectDisplayPipelineAttributes,
bool bNotifyChanges
  • pluginId
  • Type: System.Guid
  • Id of plugin instantiating ChangeQueue
  • docRuntimeSerialNumber
  • Type: uint
  • bRespectDisplayPipelineAttributes
  • Type: bool
  • Determines whether the display pipeline attributes for this viewport should be taken into account when supplying data. If you are using this queue to populate a scene for the "Render" command, set this to false. If you are using it to draw a realtime preview, you will probably want to set it to true.
  • bNotifyChanges
  • Type: bool
  • Determines whether you want to receive updates when the model changes. If you are rendering for a view capture, print or something similar, you will probably want to set this to false.

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